Ladies Day: Time when course is reserved for those of the female persuasion.
Lag: A long putt hit with the intent of leaving the ball close to the cup.
Laid Off: When the club points to the left of the target at the top of the backswing.
Lateral Hazard: Water hazard marked by red stakes and usually parallel to the fairway.
Lay-Up: Conservatively played shot to avoid possible trouble.
Leader Board: Place where lowest scores in tournament are posted.
Leak: Ball drifting to the right during flight.
Lie: Where your ball is on the ground. Also, the angle at which the club shaft extends from the head.
Lift: What you do before you drop.
Line: The path of a shot to the hole.
Line Up: To stand behind a shot to take aim.
Links: A seaside course. Don’t expect trees.
Lip: Edge of a cup or bunker.
Lip-Out (cellophane bridge): Ball touches the edge of the cup but doesn’t drop in.
Local Knowledge: What the members know and you don’t.
Local Rules: Set of rules determined by the members, rules committee, or course professional.
Loft: The degree at which a clubface looks upward.
Long Game: Shots hit with long irons and woods. Also could be John Daly’s game.
Loop: Slang for “to caddy.” Or a round of golf. Or a change in the path of the clubhead during the swing.
Low-Handicapper: Good player.
Low Side: Area below the hole on a sloping green.
LPGA: Ladies Professional Golf Association.